

Sequoia trees are some of the oldest living organisms on earth and the largest tree recorded is as tall as a 26 story building. Their root systems are also impressively expansive. Sequoia groves have what botanists refer to as “matted roots”. The roots of trees in these groves grow toward one another and intertwine. Scientists have discovered that these root systems literally help their neighbors stand tall and grow to their full potential. The women pictured above have been my sequoia trees. Through death, depression, anxiety, promotions, love gained and lost, they have been a hovering presence swooping in to catch me when I collapsed under pressure. They’ve been around to gas me up when I shared good news or sported a new hairstyle.

One would think I’d always be grateful and remember how blessed I am with these beauties in my corner, but chiiile… I. Have. Not. The Holy Spirit has been talking to me about contentment. With all of the things going on, in and around me, I’ve found it more difficult to be satisfied with the gifts that I have. A lot of the things I had prayed for and received now feel like burdens and nothing compared to the requests that have yet to be fulfilled by Jesus. I lost sight of the amazing friends that I’ve been gifted with. I’m fortunate to have several women, some not pictured above, that play the role of sequoia, sister and friend.

My sequoias and I went to Spelman College and graduated in 2010. It was the perfect environment for us to find each other and the value of “black girl magic”. My sequoias and I went to Spelman College and graduated in 2010. It was the perfect environment for us to find each other and the value of “black girl magic” . During SpelHouse Homecoming 2019 we celebrated 13 years of friendship. Hanging out with them reminded me of who I am and the magnitude, breadth and depth of what God has placed inside of me. To commemorate our friendships we organized a photo shoot with our Spelman sister Takia of TK Consulting and Design in Atlanta, GA. It was so much fun! Be Inspired to enjoy your friends and find a way to commemorate that. When you do please share! I’d love to hear about your sequoia grove’

Who are your sequoias?

Once you identify that person or people shoot them a text, face time, hop n your car or an Uber and surprise them. Say " thank you" and tell them you love them. Find out what their love language is. Show them value in a way that means the most to them. Pick a day of the month and check in on that day each month. Pick a day of the week and pray together on that day every week. Remember that sequoias are totally connected. Go and connect.


follow Takia @TKConsultingDesign on Instagram

Jazmine Dinkins