Merry Christmas Mommy!


Today is a perfect opportunity to give you the gift of words. You have been and still are a pillar for me. Today we celebrate Jesus and His birth. The entry of the messiah into the world. But His story can never be told without that of His mommy… Mary. She loved Him more than anyone and knew Him more intimately. She displays perfectly the gift of mothering a child. She gladly took on the responsibility of bringing the messiah into the world. God made no mistake. He always knew that Mary would be the one. The same way He knew that He’d make you my mommy. I’m by no means Jesus, but like Mary you have time and again said yes to God’s call to raise Ben and I. It’s my joy to have you in my life. There were times that we didn’t know how we would make it, but here we are. Through health scares, loss, death, sorrow, joy and now the new life of Ben and Inna’s precious baby girl. You are the epitome of what it means to hold me down. You always give your best and your last.

You have passed to us a legacy of loyalty, generosity, and unconditional love. It’s quite miraculous to watch you love the people around you. You can take two fish and five loaves and turn it into ox tails, peas and rice, fried conch, raspberry tea, greens, and a side of cotton candy. All of my favorite things!!

You’re amazing and I want to etch it into the Internets.

Gon’ head wit yo bad self, guuurrrr!! Ay ay! Go mommy. Go mommy. Shake it, shake it, shake it,?shake it! Don’t break it! Just shake it! Shake shake it!

With lots of love and hugs!


Jazmine Dinkins