Spirit Lead Me


I am awestruck at God’s ability to move in my life even while it feels like I’m doing everyday mundane tasks. In this season of life I am fascinated with the Holy Spirit and my relationship with Him. Some of my friends and I have been diving into Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer and it is helping transform my walk with God. I have been learning about how the Holy Spirit inhabits our lives as we allow him access to every part of our being. First our spirit, and then eventually our f (mind, will and emotions) and body. This amazingly beautiful gift of access to God’s Spirit makes me wanna throw confetti! It means that with time we are able to hear and perceive Him more clearly. Luke 12:48 in the Message version of the Bible tells us that “Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!” This gift of the Holy Spirit comes with a responsibility that I have taken lightly for a very, very long time.


I don’t know about you, but I don’t always want to do what God asks me to do. Sometimes I feel more inclined to do what I am more comfortable with or I feel inadequate and unequipped, which is a LIE from the enemy, but we’ll save that for another day. The Bible tells us that even when we feel this way, when we are in a constant state of surrender to Jesus, or when we are  committed to working out our salvation (Philippians 4:12), and the Holy Spirit is inhabiting our lives, this constant state of surrender keeps our will malleable. Philippians 2:13 says, “It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” The beauty of this particular verse is that GOD is at work in us. Ain't that good? He is a “good, good Father” and understands that our spirits are willing but our flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).

Now let’s be very clear. As God is at work in us, our state of surrender is not passive. It is active. Surrender for us as lovers of Jesus Christ means that we keep watch and avoid the enemy's schemes. Ask God what that looks like for you in this season. Matthew 26:41 tells us to “watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation…” Right here Jesus makes it crystal clear that we fall tempted to cleave to our own will when we are not alert.


You can rest in knowing that God will reveal your next steps and give you the grace to do it. What seems unbearable at first will become your heart’s desire if you are surrendered to Christ and living under His Lordship. Rest in knowing that your relationship with Him is active. Work your faith and know that He will give you ease even when your pain solicits tears and when the relationship or job falls apart.

Trust the Holy Spirit within you and be intentional about listening. Listening will reveal His will, but more so it will build your relationship with Him. There’s no love like the love of Jesus. In your journey of being led by Him, let searching for God in His word and the community of believers around you encourage you to strive on.

With Sisterly Love, 


Jazmine Dinkins